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Lockdown V3 Newsletter (put the kettle on, it’s a long one!)
a word from your 'on-pause' salon Strange times indeed... 2020 has drawn to a close (and good riddance to it in many respects) and 2021 had promised so much - less said there the better. So, your new novo newsletter finds you in a third lockdown and it occurred to me that [...]
Buy Giftcards here
Novo gift vouchers Our clients always seem to love giving and receiving novo gift cards and with the shopping restrictions in place, they make a hassle-free Christmas gift. We can supply them in-salon for any amount you require, and we can even send them to the recipient on your behalf. [...]
Lockdown 2 Newsletter
Lockdown Part 2 Let me start by apologising for the lack of newsletters during this lockdown. Whilst I’m sure there’s not too many of you checking your inbox on a daily basis, many clients have been asking what’s happened to them and I can only say that it has been [...]
Latest COVID-19 Guidelines
Rules, rules, rules....We're all a bit tired of rules, but in order to ensure the safety of both our wonderful customers and our (equally wonderful) staff, now more than ever, rules are important - so we politely ask that you take 2 mins to read our latest guidelines below: We [...]
September 2020 News (very big news!)
Reduce waste, help the planet & save money what's not to love?! More than ever before, we at novo are doing our very best to reduce waste and look after the environment. We are therefore delighted that our partners at Davines have launched their 're-fill' initiative across their Essentials and Oi shampoo [...]
Novo are pleased to announce that not only do we use Olaplex in-salon, but we also now stock the home haircare regime to enable our clients to continue the repair process at home. Step 1: The bond rebuilder is either used as a in-salon treatment (£30) or as an additive [...]
It’s good to be back!
Newsletter It’s good to be back! Well, it’s a long way from normal, but even with the PPE, social distancing and other changes, it is great to be back doing what we love and, judging by the reaction of our clients, the feeling appears to be mutual. It is [...]
It’s over! (well nearly…)
It's over! (well nearly...) Apologies for the delay since the last newsletter but we’ve been busy ensuring our salon is safe and ready for the (eagerly awaited) reopening on the Saturday 4th July. I certainly had no idea when I wrote my first ramblings on Day 2 (24th March, some 14 [...]
online booking now available
The countdown begins.... Four weeks, 28 days, 672 hours, however we look at it, we can now actually start preparing ourselves for the start of the ‘new norm’. We will be opening our doors for business at 8am on Saturday 4th July – let me say that again, we will [...]
June Newsletter – still smiling!
cheers! Saturday the 4th of July truly is Independence Day! Not only is it the day when our friends across the Atlantic (well, with the exception of one particular American…. but the less said about that the better!) celebrate their independence, it is now officially the day when we [...]
Closely watching the R word……..
Day 49: and everything changes (not!) Apologies for the delay in writing this latest newsletter. I wanted to leave it until after Boris had spoken to allow us to use his ‘roadmap’ to give more clarity on the reopening of our salon. However, following his address, we have no more [...]
Day 40: Desperate times call for desperate measures!
Day 40: Desperate times call for desperate measures! Well it’s only been three days since our last newsletter, but hey..reading our newsletter means that it is 10 mins less time spent on social media – so that’s got to be a good thing yes? Boris tells us he’s going to [...]
We’re Recruiting!
When we said we were only on 'pause', we really meant it! Our growth plans remain unaltered and, as a result, we are looking for exceptionally professional and motivated stylists and apprentices who want to progress their career. During lockdown many people analyse their choices and careers and maybe now [...]
Day 36: NHS/Care Worker Competition – Nominate now!
DAY 36: Resist, Resist! Unless you were lucky enough to have visited novo during the last few days before lockdown, the chances are you are now overdue your salon visit. To some this is just a case of a few ends that really should come off, but for others, there [...]