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M.I.N.D.S. B.L.O.W.N.


Why It’s Bad to Always Wear Your Parting The Same…

If you’ve styled your hair the same way for years, it might be about time to switch things up a bit… Where do you have your parting? We’d be willing to bet you’ve heard these words at every single hair appointment you’ve had in your lifetime. Now we’re being read a warning that it’s actually bad for your hair to always have your hair parted in the same place.

Annie Rush, a hairstylist at Eva Scrivo Salon in New York City explains… ‘The longer we wear the same parting, the more we wear the hair down in that area and cause breakage’. Annie advises… ‘This is especially true if you use a lot of heat to style your hair and you suffer with those little flyaway hairs and are part of the straightener generation, this will probably apply to you’.

As well as giving you something different to look at in the mirror, you’re not allowing the hair to fall in the same position every day and, in turn, the roots are upright and breathing. “Moving the parting immediately creates volume and bounce, and clients often find the hair actually feels thicker again. I have many clients who move the parting every couple of years… it works brilliantly with fringes also” (Kevin Franks).

A great excuse for a change, perhaps? novo is here to spread knowledge far and wide for the benefit of your locks!
